Employer Services
Operation ABLE can be an extraordinary resource for employers that are either searching for highly competent, experienced workers or are helping laid-off employees move on with their careers. We provide the following services for employers:
- Candidates to fill your hiring needs
- Customized employee training opportunities
- Access to our mini-job fairs with the opportunity for onsite interviewing
- Career development workshops and consulting
- Access to a state-of-the-art career center for laid-off workers
- Outplacement services
- Consultation on mid-career workforce issues
As an employer, you have several free options to send us job inquiries. Our staff will share them with clients in our database.
Download our Job Order Form as a Microsoft Word document and return it to us by e-mail, postal mail, or fax.
- Download it here
- The form has fillable fields to make completing it on your PC simple and convenient.
Then Send your job orders directly by fax, e-mail or by postal mail
- The fax number for job orders is (313) 832-4925.
- The e-mail address is ability@OperationABLE.org.
Our mailing address is:
Operation ABLE of Michigan
4750 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48201
Here are some tips for making good use of this service:
- Please let us know when the job has been filled so we can remove it from our system. We will keep your job order open for 30 days unless we hear from you.
- Let us know of any necessary changes. We can make minor changes right away without having to re-enter the entire job order.
If you want additional information or would like to learn more about Operation ABLE and our services for employers, please give us a call at (313) 832-0922 and ask for our Outreach/Business Development Specialist. You can reach us by e-mail at ability@OperationABLE.org. We'd like to hear from you!