Providing Residental and Short Term Treatment
Residential Treatment Program
Spectrum Juvenile Justice Services delivers intensive evidence-based treatment to male youth, ages 11 – 20, at two locations: Calumet and Lincoln Residential Treatment Centers in Highland Park, Michigan. Treatment is provided to justice-involved adolescents in need of secure, residential treatment including those who have a history of sexual, serious, and/or chronic offending behaviors and youth with co-occurring substance use and other complex needs.
To earn a successful release, youth complete evidence-based treatment designed specifically for adolescents with serious offending behaviors, the Forward-Focused Treatment Model©. Treatment is designed to promote prosocial development, prevent recurring involvement with the legal system, and promote long-term successful life outcomes. The cognitive behavioral treatment model integrates current knowledge of adolescent brain development and juvenile offender risk factors and includes trauma-focused assessment and treatment.
Therapeutic services include individual, group, and family therapy. Reentry services include family therapy and supported family involvement. Youth complete the seven stages of treatment at an individual pace with treatment typically lasting from 12-14 months.
Treatment is delivered by Master’s level, licensed clinicians while a treatment team approach is utilized to effectively support youth throughout their stay. In addition to clinical treatment, social and independent living skill development is promoted while behavior modification is promoted and reinforced through a merit system. Youth also complete a Balance and Restorative Justice (BARJ) project prior to earning a release from treatment, and are enrolled in an individualized educational program appropriate to their needs.
A Treatment Team Environment
Spectrum’s multidisciplinary team approach provides youth a network of support throughout their stay. Education, security, and kitchen personnel work collaboratively with clinicians and youth support staff to ensure the needs of youth are met.
To ensure a highly competent workforce, all staff complete a minimum of120 hours of annual training. Spectrum’s comprehensive training curriculum includes treatment-specific training, as well as, training to ensure compliance with all contractual, state and federal requirements.
Both Calumet and Lincoln Residential Treatment Centers are constructed in compliance with the specifications for Michigan Child Caring Institutions and state of the art technology ensures a secure and safe environment. Youth reside in small units that allow for the placement of youth with similar treatment needs that support continuous staff line-of-sight supervision. The units are fully self-contained with space for educational services, indoor recreation, individual and group therapy, medical care, personal hygiene, dining, maintenance, staff offices, visitation and an intake area. Both Calumet and Lincoln Residential Treatment Centers also have gymnasiums and large outside recreation spaces.
Short Term Detention Services
Spectrum provides juvenile detention services at the Calumet Center in Highland Park, Michigan. e primary objective of the detention program is to offer a safe, secure, highly structured and stable environment for youth awaiting adjudication or transition between placements. The program, is designed to provide crisis intervention and stabilization services, assessment, educational, services, medical, support and advocacy services. Whereas service delivery is targeted for 30 days, in some instances, youth are remanded longer due to normal delays in judicial processing, waiting lists for pending placement and special needs placement exceptions that may occur in the referral and placement sequence.